This is the one-stop location to get everything you need to support your sixth-grader at Norup International. You will find daily entries (highlighting what students did in each of the four, core-curricular classes) as well as downloads and links to help your student stay on top of their sixth-grade year.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Kettner - Science - 2/16/2017
Math 6
La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 02/16/2017
We read about a family of refugees that immigrated to the United States, got our homework assignment (immigrant interview), and watched CNN10.
Ask an immigrant the following questions:
1. Where did you immigrate from?
2. In what year did you immigrate?
3. Why did you immigrate?
4. What have been some challenges of immigrating to the United States?
5. What else would you like to share about your immigration experiences?
Bring your answers back on Wednesday, Feb. 22. Don't wait until Tuesday night to try to get this done. Ask your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc., if they know someone who has immigrated to the US, and see if you can arrange an interview. It can be a phone interview, email, text, FaceTime, Skype, etc., though ideally, a face-to-face interview would be most beneficial.
Discussion Starters
Refugees; immigrant interview; homework.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Kettner - Science 2/16/2017
La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 02/15/2017
We worked in groups to discover why people migrate (push and pull factors).
Discussion Starters
Why do people migrate? Push/pull factors.
Math 6
Stein - Math 6 Plus - 2.15.17
What We Did Today:
Students completed comparisons for the three sets of data discussed this Investigation. Since each set of data has thirty pieces, the median will be between the fifteenth and sixteenth positions each time. Go to for the graphs and answers for 1.3.
Focus Question:
How do you identify and use the median? How can you compare two distributions of data using the medians?
Check Up 1 will be Tuesday, February 28.
Werber/Rossiter 02/15/2017
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Stein - Math 6 Plus - 2.14.17
What We Did Today
Students completed Problem 1.3. Students discovered that the median is the middle position of any set of data that is in order from least to greatest. Students added data to existing sets of data to see if the position and/or value of the median changed. We worked through A and B in class. Notes and vocabulary are available at
Focus Question
How do you identify and use the median? How can you compare two distributions of data using the medians?
No homework.
La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 02/14/2017
We practiced a non-fiction reading protocol known as 'survival words,' then read an article called "International Migration: Facing the Challenge."
Discussion Starters
Survival words (rating words A, B, C, or D); International Migration.
Math 6
Kettner - Science - 2/14/2017
Monday, February 13, 2017
La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 02/13/2017
We analyzed net migration rates for world regions and selected countries.
Discussion Starters
Net migration; immigrants per 1000 people; emigrants per 1000 people.
Math 6
Kettner - Science - 2/13/2017
Werber/Rossiter - 02/13/2017
Stein - Math 6 Plus - 2.13.17
What We Did Today:
Students reviewed concepts from 1.1 and 1.2. Students worked on the vocabulary words listed at . Click on each word for the audio definition. There is also a link to the online glossary.