Friday, February 24, 2017

La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 02/24/2017

What We Did Today
We finished talking about the positive and negative aspects of urbanization.

None, though several students still have to complete their interviews.

Discussion Starters

Math 6

In Class
4.2 Finding an unknown

WS Word problems complete problems circled in class
Decimal Ops test Monday, 3/6

Thursday, February 23, 2017

La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 02/23/2017

What We Did Today
We finished analyzing urbanization data, then began exploring the effects of urbanization.

None, though if you still haven't completed your interview, you need to do so (see yesterday's post for directions).

Discussion Starters
Urbanization; Xi'an, China.

Kettner - Science - 2/23/2017

What We Did Today
We finished activity 6.1: Chemical Reactions. If you were absent, you can get a copy of the activity in Science Files and click on the link below to complete the activity on your own.

Finish the rest of lab 6.1: Chemical Reactions.

math 6

In Class
4.2 Calculating a Tax & Tip

WS Tax & Tip word problems #1-10 skip #8
WS Activity 44


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Kettner - Science -2/22/2017

What We Did Today
We started our study of chemical changes.

None unless you didn't take the test on "States of Matter". The test will focus on our five labs - Conduction, Evaporation, Condensation, Melting, Freezing. Each of these labs and answers can be found in the Science Files. Review each activity and pull out the main idea for each. Double check your answers with the ones provided in Science Files. In addition to the labs, you can find a ten page reading (Chapter 2) that summarizes the labs and the concepts covered if you have any questions. The test will be a combination of drawings that you need to complete, drawings you would need to describe what is happening or label. There will also be a few multiple choice and fill in the blank question in addition to 5 short answer questions that are each related to the labs. Focus on application and examples of each of the concepts. You may bring a small index card with notes on it to help on the test. It should be hand written and you can use both sides.

La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 02/22/2017

What We Did Today
We continued talking about urbanization; we analyzed urban and rural populations in various regions of the world, as well as selected countries.

None, unless you haven't completed your interview.  Here was the assignment:
Ask an immigrant the following questions:1. Where did you immigrate from?2. In what year did you immigrate?3. Why did you immigrate?4. What have been some challenges of immigrating to the United States?5. What else would you like to share about your immigration experiences?
Bring your answers back on Wednesday, Feb. 22.  Don't wait until Tuesday night to try to get this done.  Ask your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc., if they know someone who has immigrated to the US, and see if you can arrange an interview.  It can be a phone interview, email, text, FaceTime, Skype, etc., though ideally, a face-to-face interview would be most beneficial.

Discussion Starters
Rural/urban populations.


In Class
4.1 Calculating a percent of a number

WS  4.1

Werber/Rossiter - 02/22/2017

This Week
Wednesday - Friday:
Social Issues Book Clubs & Work on Quilt assignments  - BOOK and QUILT DUE Monday 2/27

Wednesday - Finish Argument Essay Bootcamp
Thursday & Friday - 5 Things you can do exercise (proposing solutions) & review how to cite - MLA format

Essay bootcamp (cellphone essay) due Thursday - turn in for points!
Read, BOOK and QUILT DUE Monday 2/27