Friday, April 28, 2017

La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 04/28/2017

What We Did Today
We started our group energy projects, then had classroom meetings.


Discussion Starters
Who is in your group?  What is your group studying?

Stein - Math 6 Plus - 4.28.17

What We Did Today:

Students completed 1.1 vocabulary and completed a Quizizz. The vocabulary is available at Click on the word for the definition and an audio reading of the definition.



Kettner - Science - 4/28/2017

What We Did Today
Macro-nutrients were introduced to the students today. Students were given some time to start filling out the note-taking guide from Chapter 1, section 3.

Using pages 33-37, finish "Chemical Compounds in Cells". Continue working on your Egg-speriment. Even if you have not finished collecting data, you could work on your background information, hypothesis and materials list.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 04/27/2017

What We Did Today
We explored energy usage.


Discussion Starters
Sources of energy; non-renewable/renewable energy sources; important/interesting facts or statistics about energy.

Stein - Math 6 Plus - 4.27.17

What We Did Today:

Students continued to work on Problem 1.1. Students further analyzed and compared name lengths by completing ACE questions 1 – 4, 15 and 16. We reviewed the answers in class.

Focus Question:

 What are "data"? How do you represent data using a frequency table or a line plot? How can you compare two distributions of data?



Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kettner - Science - 4/26/2017

What We Did Today
I reviewed with the students how to open up the "Egg-speriment Planning Guide" in Google Classroom. We then went through each section and talked about expectations. I demonstrated how to insert a data table into the lab report and showed them how to use "Create a Graph" and download it into the report as well. Tomorrow, we will discuss how to write the data analysis and conclusion. The final paper is due next Friday, May 5.

Continue working on your Egg-speriment. Even if you have not finished collecting data, you could work on your background information, hypothesis and materials list.

La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 04/26/2017

What We Did Today
We made Earth mobiles to encourage others to take care of the Earth and its resources.  Mr. L also attempted to teach us a lesson about uneven consumption of natural resources.


Discussion Starters
Uneven consumption of natural resources; who had an easier time making Earth mobiles (Group A or Group B)?  Why

Stein - Math 6 Plus - 4.26.17

What We Did Today:

Students continued to work on Problem 1.1. Students further analyzed and compared name lengths of Chinese names and US names using their frequency tables. Students then made line plots of the data, compared the graphs and made conjectures. The notes and vocabulary are available at


Focus Question:

 What are "data"? How do you represent data using a frequency table or a line plot? How can you compare two distributions of data?




Rossiter/Werber - 04/24/2017

This Week
Monday - Friday:

Reading/Writing: We will continue reading All Rise for the Honorable Perry T.Cook and practice grammar/mechanics (looking for and imitating) - the seven capitalization rules, AAAWWUBBIS sentences (comma causers), and pronouns.  We took a practice M-Step assessment on Monday are reviewing through the week.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 04/25/2017

What We Did Today
We continued discussing the negative consequences of natural-resource usage.


Discussion Starters
Life cycle of a water bottle; ocean debris.

Kettner - Science - 4/25/2017

What We Did Today
Students watched a Bill Nye video about Respiration.  When the video was over, we started correcting the Photosynthesis and Respiration packet.

Complete the entire Photosynthesis and Respiration packet if you did not have it done for today.

Stein - Math 6 Plus - 4.25.17

What We Did Today:

Students started Problem 1.1. Students created frequency tables for two different sets of data and we discussed how they compared. We also started creating a line plot for the frequency tables. Notes are available at

Focus Question:

 What are "data"? How do you represent data using a frequency table or a line plot? How can you compare two distributions of data?



Monday, April 24, 2017

Stein - Math 6 Plus

What We Did Today:

Students completed a book scavenger hunt and reviewed concepts to prepare for our first investigation. We also began discussing Problem 1.1.

Focus Question:

 What are "data"? How do you represent data using a frequency table or a line plot? How can you compare two distributions of data?



La Framboise - Individuals & Societies - 04/24/2017

What We Did Today
We began discussing negative consequences of using natural resources.


Discussion Starters
Dead fish in Chesapeake Bay; mercury in fish.

Kettner - Science - 4/24/2017

What We Did Today
Students were asked to join my Google Classroom so they can open and edit the Egg-speriment planning guide. If they were not able to do it in class, an invitation was sent to that student. Students were then given time to finish the "Photosynthesis and Respiration Packet".

Complete the entire Photosynthesis and Respiration packet.